Tag: therapist

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Being a Therapist in a Political World

Being a therapist in this political climate—regardless of what side you are on, is a painful experience. There is tension and horror no matter where you go and depending on what part of the world you’re in, increasing violence might be part of the day to day. As a Canadian, I am luckily not in…
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Canadian Insurance Companies Accepting Direct Billing for Counsellors with Telus E-Claims

Canadian Insurance Companies Accepting Direct Billing for Counsellors with Telus E-Claims

As soon as I heard the announcement that Telus Health was making their e-filing available to counsellors in June, I immediately signed up for the opportunity to take part in direct billing for psychotherapy/counselling clients. After a month of waiting, I’m finally in their system… and I realized, it’s still a confusing mess and there…
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Shaylynn Hayes-Raymond Psychotherapy Counselling and Coaching Canada and Worldwide New Brunswick

The Mentally Ill Therapist

For some, it might come as a surprise that many therapists have come to the field because they have had their own experiences with mental health. For many who go to a therapist there is almost an air of mystique—a belief that those who treat mental illness are somehow above the rest of society, floating…
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